Helen Argyrou About harmonics and the search for the meaning of life.
Gesy Clinical psychologist, Peak Perfromance Strategist, Drum Therapist
Helen, born in Africa, is an award-winning visionary, author and accredited clinical psychologist specializing in drum and sacred sound therapy. As a Neuroscience FlowMojo™ Entrainment Researcher, she merges spirituality and science, with her drum therapy spanning 13 countries. Helen’s Amazon bestseller, The Biggest Lies Women Believe and the Women of Truth, explores female identity and self-deception. Founder of the Women of Truth platform (est. 2015, Cyprus), she has staged 170 speakers across global conferences. Recognized for exceptional leadership, she collaborates with global change organizations and promotes integrative health, leading projects like The Copper Thread, a sound activation honoring Cyprus’s heritage.
Helen is completing now a book on neuroscience and rhythm plus one on GODDESSENCE, all about the New Femininity.
The Biggest Lies Women Believe and the WOMEN OF TRUTH